Parent Support Group

The ECA has made it a mission to not only support the needs of our early learners but to also support the entire family. In the Spring of 2023, and at the request of parents, we began our bi-weekly parent support group where parents are able to explore topics such as mental health, child development, healthy communication, resources for ESL classes, and learn more about resources available for young children and their families. Meetings are done with interpretation support in as many as 4 different languages and have been offered in a variety of partner meeting locations such as Skokie Public Library, Niles Township Government office, Oakton College. Childcare is provided. 

We are excited to now be able to host these important meetings at our own location at 4504 Oakton St, in Skokie.

Typical meeting dates are the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month

10:00 am - 11:00 am


Contact for more information or to register

Parent Support Group Updates

We are excited to now host the ECA Parent Support Groups in our own space - 4504 Oakton St, in Skokie!!

We begin our meetings with a guided stretch and breathing meditation, each meeting having a different goal of informing families about Early Childhood resources and giving them the opportunity to be in community. Different topics we have explored include child development, home-visiting programs, mental health awareness, child care programs, self-care strategies, and more!


Connecting Early Childhood


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